
What it means

Metrics are quantifiable, specific data points that are used to assess, compare, and track performance. Metrics are what make analysis possible in order to make strategic, data-driven decisions. Metrics are quantitative data and some examples include the number of visitors, number of page views, and number of social media post shares.

How it’s used

Metrics are a key way to measure the performance of a campaign, initiative, or program. Most metrics are identified based on the predetermined goals of a specific project.

Why it matters

Metrics are often gathered and analyzed to create a story that is shared with key stakeholders in reports, presentations, and other internal and external communications. These data-driven stories help gauge success and should be used to inform decisions, whether reinforcing or indicating direction changes in strategy and implementation.

Because museums are human-centered institutions, it is important to note that while critical, metrics and pure data points do not tell the whole story. Qualitative methods of gathering and interpreting data, such as interviews, focus groups, and observational studies, should also be used to provide a more robust picture than numbers alone.


See also Analytics

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